Targeting Iodine deficiency in Europe


“The Iodine Global Network has been privileged to be part of EUthyroid. The aim of IGN is to achieve optimal iodine nutrition in the world and this includes Europe. The work of EUthyroid has clearly demonstrated deficiencies in several countries but also a lack of consistent monitoring of iodine status. IGN endorses the findings of EUthyroid and urges governments and health care delivery officials to respond by not only advocating for adequate iodine nutrition but to initiate programs to achieve this.”
John Lazarus, Iodine Global Network

The Krakow Declaration on Iodine represents the cornerstone of a multi-stakeholder approach to implement a harmonized and coordinated strategy to prevent and tackle IDD at a global level. The World Iodine Association (WIA) recognizes and supports the valuable work done by EUthyroid. It provides the basis to develop effective measures for improving and optimizing iodine intake in Europe in close cooperation with European and national authorities, while creating societal awareness via patient organizations, the medical community and the industry
Attilio Caligiani, World Iodine Association

“The Krakow Declaration on Iodine developed by EUthyroid represents an important step towards the prevention of IDD, through a multi-stakeholder approach. The Thyroid Federation International (TFI), as a Patient Organization, endorses the valuable work done by EUthyroid. The TFI believes that it is important to increase awareness to the public through promotions and campaigns. Together with the Medical Community and Industry, joint actions will certainly strengthen this cause and bring to the EU a wider sensitivity on this topic. Together, a nice step forward”
Ashok Bhaseen, President of Thyroid Federation International

“The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) has been honoured to work with national actors in approximately 20 countries to improve iodine nutrition. Today, due to the efforts of so many across the globe, iodine deficiency disorders are quickly becoming a feature of the past. However, even in Europe, low iodine intakes persist. We stand by the Krakow Declaration with the hope that it catalyses more action among policymakers throughout Europe and beyond to implement evidence-based policy and actions to prevent all cases of iodine deficiency, including through universal salt iodization”
Greg Garrett, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition

“Within the EU funded project EUthyroid, researchers received important funds to build up capacities for cost effective IDD prevention programs. Researchers now require the commitment by stake holders utilise these for harmonised iodine monitoring. Therefore, the Krakow Declaration on Iodine demands national governments and public health officials to be aware of their responsibility to take care on the sufficient iodine status of their populations instead of relying on scientists and other stakeholder to take actions. This is the only way to eradicate iodine deficiency disorders in Europe.”
Henry Völzke, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald

“The introduction of obligatory iodine prophylaxis mainly based on household salt iodisation (1997) significantly improved iodine nutrition in Poland with a measurable impact on health. The continuous and rapid changes in environmental conditions and nutritional behaviours force the urgent need to implement the long-term iodine monitoring program and to adjust the tools of iodine prophylaxis to the needs. The pilot monitoring study undertaken in the second half of 2017 in Poland showed that sensitive populations such as pregnant women and children require the special attention of endocrinologists and national health care decision-makers to ensure sufficient iodine intake.”
Alicja Hubalewska-Dydejczyk, Jagiellonian University Medical College

List of organisations

Asociación Mexicana de la Industria Salinera A.C. Mexico
ODV Italy
Society For Endocrinology United Kingdom
Association of Dietitians of Ukraine Ukraine
CSIC Spain
Vivre sans Thyroïde France
The AustralianThyroid Foundation Australia
Culinaria Europe e.V. Germany
AME Italy
AME Italy
asl roma e Italy
Leven Zonder Schildklier patiëntenorganisatie voor België en Nederland. Belgium
Patiënt organisatie Netherlands
Kiwanis International United States of America
Spanish Association of Midwives (AEM) Spain
Romanian PsychoNeuroEndocrine Society (RPNES) Romania
Institute of Food and Nutrition Poland
Unilever Netherlands
Associaton of Preventive Pediatrics of Serbia Serbia
Medical University of Bialystok Poland
Faculty of Medicine Nis, University of Nis, Serbia Serbia
UK Iodine Group United Kingdom
Faculty of Medicine Nis, University of Nis, Serbia Serbia
Department of Endocrinology Jagiellonian University Krakow Poland
Endocrinology Department, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education Poland
Department of Obstetrics and Perinatology Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland Poland
National Institute of Public Health Prague, Intersectory Committee on Iodine Deficiency Prevention Czech Republic
Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinlogy, Medical University of Warsaw Poland
Nestlé Germany
Klinika Endokrynologii, Chorób Metabolicznych i Chorób Wewnętrznych Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie Poland
Intersectoral Commission for Iodine Deficiency in The National Institute of Public Health Czech Republic
Jagiellonian University Medical College Dept Endocrinologic Gynecology Poland
Institue of Endocrinology Czech Republic
BASA - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts Bulgaria
Polish Society of Gynecological Endocrinology Poland
CAPE Italia Italy
ATTA Lazio ONLUS Italy
Czech Paediatric Society Czech Republic
Catalan Endocrinology and Nutrition Society Spain
1Institute of Diagnostics Faculty of Health Science, University of Pécs Hungary
Institute of Pathophysiology and Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University SsCyril and Methodius, Skopje Macedonia
Spanish Society of Community Nutrition / Faculty of Medicine. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Spain
Hospital Universitario de Móstoles (Madrid) Spain
German Association for Social Medicine and Prevention (DGSMP) Germany
The Iodine Global Network (IGN) Canada
German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) Germany
Peadiatric Endocrinology Unit, Araba University Hospital, Osakidetza - Basque Country University Spain
"elena venizelou" maternity hospital Greece
Swedish Endocrine Society Sweden
sego Spain
Institute of Oncology Ljubljana Slovenia
Portuguese Society of Endocrinology Portugal
Centre for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation "Studiorum" Macedonia
Workgroup TiroSEMG and SEMG Catalunya Spain
British Thyroid Foundation United Kingdom
Svenska Sköldkörtelföreningen Sweden
Sociedad española de médicos generales y de familia Spain
European Preventive Medicine Association (EPMA) Belgium
World Iodine Association (WIA) Belgium
UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology; Department for Public Health, Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment; Institute of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and Health Technology Assessment Austria
Thyroid Federation International (TFI) Canada
SEMG Spain
European Thyroid Association Spain
Arbeitskreis Jodmangel e.V. Germany
Spanish Task Force of Thyroid Diseases Spain
Iodine Nutrition Group of Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition Spain
Germans Trias Reserach Institute and Hospital Spain
Hungarian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism Hungary
University of Latvia Latvia
Institute of Endocrinology Czech Republic
Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University Bulgaria
Unit for Nutrition Research, Landspitali National University Hospital & University of Iceland Iceland
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Head,Section of Endocrinology@Gerontology Bulgaria
GAIN Switzerland
biolution GmbH Austria

List of Individuals

First Name*Last Name*AffiliationJob titleCountry*
Dorota Filipowicz Katedra i Klinika Endokrynologii, Przemiany Materii i Chorób Wewnętrznych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu MD Poland
Kyra Kauffmann Researcher Germany
Eliska Potlukova University Hospital Basel Physician Switzerland
Ana Pires Atlântica Professor Portugal
Paulo Figueiredo Portugal
Anna López Spain
Maureen Ivens United Kingdom
Meliha Rizvic Solana d.d. Tuzla Executive director of Legal Affairs Bosnia Herzegovina
Sofia Rani Saggu SHUATS Research Scholar India
Voldemars Sirs Endocrinologyst Latvia
Fabio Bertolissi Endocrinologia Udine Past Director Italy
JUAN BERNAL Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, CSIC Professor of Research Spain
Mona Ziegler Gesundheit im Zentrum Heilpraktikerin Germany
Amira Brkic Production of salt Quality manager Bosnia Herzegovina
Giulio Lucarelli Italy
Vincenzo Gerai Doctor Italy
Dimitrios Chantzis Endocrinologo Italy
renato cozzi Endocrine Unit Ospedale Niguarda Milano MD Italy
luisella savino Italy
Maria Cristina Trotta Endocrinologist Dr Italy
Andrea Rebellato Dr. Italy
maria laura de feo SOS Diabetologia S. Giuseppe, Empoli, USL Centro Toscana Director Italy
Valentina Villa Medical Doctor Italy
Eliana Piantanida Endocrine Unit University of Insubria Endocrinologist Italy
Francesca Linari Italy
veronica vilei ospedale Vimercate physician Italy
Valentina Brancato Doctor Italy
Eleonora Rinaldi Italy
Beatrice Cenci Ame Medicine doctor Italy
Sara Morgante Dr Italy
mario parillo Italy
laura guccione Dr. Italy
maurizio checchi medico endocrinologo Italy
Susanna Carlotta Del Duca Italy
achiropita pucci medico Italy
FRANCO GOLIA MD, Endocrinilogist Italy
Claudio Cusini Italy
MARIANI SERGIO AME Medical Doctor Endocrinologist Italy
Giampaolo Papi Unit of Endocrinology of the Northern Area, Azienda USL Modena Dr Italy
Alessandra Paciaroni Italy
cinzia mazzon AME endocrinologia Italy
Viviana Magri Italy
Giuseppe Reimondo Italy
Mauro Iodice Endocrinologo Italy
Luigi Cerri Ausl piacenza Endocrinologist Italy
Lorenzo Scaglione Doctor of Medicine Italy
maria cristina cimicchi AUSL Parma doctor Italy
Roberto Attanasio Italy
Vanessa Ronconi UOSD Diabetologia ASUR Marche, V2 Jesi (AN) Dirigente Medico Italy
maria elena corsini Italy
Riccardo Rigolon Italy
Dellera Alberto Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Dr. Italy
elisabetta lai medicine doctor Italy
Giuseppe Turiano Endocrinology Unit, Medical Department Ospedale Papardo Messina Medical Doctor Italy
Francesco Romanelli Italy
Micaela Pellegrino Italy
Antonio Ciccarelli Italy
Sabrina Corbetta University of Milan Professor of Endocrinology Italy
Stefano Taglianetti Medical Doctor Endocrinologist Italy
Felice Strollo San Raffaele Termini Prof. Dr. Italy
VINCENZO FRUSCIO AME - ITALY free Endocrinologist Italy
Andrea Pollastri AME - SIE Physician Italy
luca deiana SIE, AME, ESE Dott Italy
Cecoli Francesca Medical Doctor Endocrinologist Italy
Rita Carpinteri Associazione Medici Endocrinologi AME MD Italy
Eneida Bozaxhiu Albania
Maria Cino Socio AME Libero professionista Italy
Federica D'Aurizio Italy
claudia brufani asl viterbo medical doctor Italy
Peter Lakwijk Sweden
Ulla Slama Oy Mediling Ab Dr med Finland
Marcin Rutkowski Endocrinologist Poland
Lisa Coneyworth University of Nottingham Assistant Professor United Kingdom
Simon Welham University of Nottingham University lecturer United Kingdom
Pierluigi Caboni University of Cagliari Professor Italy
Olivier Humphrey BGS/UoN PhD Student United Kingdom
Jo Inge Kaastad Norway
Julie Lund Denmark
Elena Victoria Villagran De Rosso Universidad Nacional del Comahue Bioquimica Argentina
Aleksandra Gilis-Januszewska Jagiellonian University, Medical College Poland
Branka Zizic Ministry of Science of Montenegro Head of Department Montenegro
Hana Pospíšilová MD, PhD. endocrinologist Czech Republic
Marta Miklas Department of Endocrinology University Hospital Krakow Ward Sister Poland
Iveta Pokorná Czech Republic
Magda Comanescu MD Romania
maria gabriela stanescu snr neurologist Romania
Cristina Preda University of Medicine Assoc. Prof Romania
IOANA ZOSIN Medical University TIMISOARA Prof. Dr. med. Romania
Corina Lichiardopol RPNES Endocrinologist Romania
Corin Badiu National Institute of Endocrinology Head of Department - Thyroid related disorders Romania
Mihaela Vlad "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara Assoc. Professor in Endocrinology Romania
Ionela Baciu Romanian Society of Endocrinology, C I Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology MD, Endocrinologist Romania
Ivana Budic Assist. Prof. Medical Faculty University of Nis, Serbia anesthesiologist Serbia
Anna Nogieć The University Hospital in Cracow Laboratory Diagnostician Poland
Marta Kostecka Matyja Collegium Medicum UJ Dep. of Endocrynology Dr. med Poland
Karolina Wachacka The University Hospital in Cracow Poland
Ioan Horea Ursu C.I. Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest Endocrinologist, Associate professor in Endocrinology Romania
Fred de Vries non independent writer Netherlands
Kevin Stroek Amsterdam Medical Center Medical Doctor, PhD-Candidate Endocrinology and Newborn screening Netherlands
Anne van der Spek Netherlands
Anita Boelen Academic medical center Researcher Netherlands
Rutchanna Jongejan Netherlands
Vlasta Sykorova Institute of Endocrinology research Czech Republic
Tessa Mulder Generation R, Erasmus University Medical Center PhD student Netherlands
Hildegard von Bingen Trump University Komponistin Germany
Jiřina Vavrová Czech Republic
Aleksander Kuś Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland MD Poland
Oscar Hernando Roa Dueñas Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam,The Netherlands PhD student Netherlands
Dragana Djordjevic University of Nis, Serbia, University of Heidelberg, Germany Pediatrician, MD, PhD Serbia
Gianni Bocca University Medical Center Groningen Pediatric endocrinologist Netherlands
Layal Chaker Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam Netherlands
Monica Gheorghiu Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest; C.I. Parhon National Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania Lecturer; Endocrinologist Romania
Marco Medici Netherlands
Warner Simonides Amsterdam University Medical Centers Associate Professor Netherlands
Michiel Kerstens Department of Endocrinology, University Medical Center Groningen internist-endocrinologist - MD,PhD Netherlands
T.P. Links UMCG professor in Endocrinology Netherlands
Stefan Groeneweg Erasmus MC MD Netherlands
Ana Radomirović Primary health center Niš Nurse Serbia
Snezana Zivanovic pediatrician Ass.Prof. MD.PhD Serbia
Vladan Mihajlović pedijatar Serbia
Adam Krętowski Medical University of Bialystok Profesor Poland
Toyah Jansen Msc Netherlands
Jennifer Mahboeb Netherlands
Karlijn Pellikaan Erasmus MC Research Master student Netherlands
Merel Stegenga Erasmus MC Netherlands
Robin Peeters Erasmus MC Netherlands
Monika Zbucka-Krętowska Departament of Reproduction and Gynecological Endocrinology Associted Professor Poland
Maja Jović Faculty of Medicine University of Niš Dr. Serbia
Marko Jovic Faculty of medicine University of Niš, Serbia Teaching assistante Serbia
Martin Novak Clinic of Pediatrics, Clinical centre Nis MD Serbia
Adam Windak Jagiellonian University Medical College professor Poland
Krzysztof Jarzębski Hospital Częstochowa Endocrinologist Poland
Bojko Bjelakovic Clinic of Pediatrics, Clinical centre Nis Assoc Prof Serbia
Chiara Mossali private Medical writer Italy
Linda Prokopová Czech Republic
Milena Bušová Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague preventive medicine, health protection, nutritional toxicology Czech Republic
Marek Niedziela Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatric Endocrinology and Rheumatology Professor, Head of Department Poland
Ildiko Hircsu University of Debrecen resident Hungary
Annamaria Erdei University of Debrecen lecturer Hungary
Lívia Sira University of Debrecen lecturer Hungary
Mateusz Bereza Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University of Cracow student Poland
Monika Buziak-Bereza Department of Endocrinology Jagiellonian University of Cracow MD PhD Poland
Ivana Lukašíková Czech Republic
Annamaria Gazdag Univ. of Debrecen, Dept. of Endocrinology medical doctor Hungary
Monika Katko University of Debrecen biologist Hungary
Božena KALVACHOVAl Institute of Endocrinology, Prague Czech Republic
Marta Opalińska University Hospital in Krakow, Endocrinology Clinic MD Poland
Anna Kurzyńska Poland
Anna Sowa-Staszczak University Hospital Krakow Prof. Poland
Józsefne Veres University of Debrecen secretary Hungary
Ujang Tinggi Department of Queensland Health Research Scientist Australia
Tomasz Bereza Klinika Endokrynologii Ginekologicznej i Ginekologii SU Kraków MD-PhD Poland
Maria Mksoud University Medicine Greifswald Germany
Katarzyna Ziemnicka Poznan University of Medical Sciences professor Poland
Helena Smirnova Dentist Latvia
Maria J Chueca MD, PhD Pediatric endocrinologist Spain
Agnieszka Rajtar-Ciosek Jagiellonian University Medical Colladge Medical Doctor Poland
Bogdan Marek Poland
Dorota Pach Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Collegium Medium, Katedra i Klinika Endokrynologii, 31-501 Kraków, ul. Kopernika 17 professor Poland
Presiyana Nyagolova Bulgaria
Raquel Diaz Austria
Anna Babińska Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk Poland
Pilar Pérez Yuste Spain
Jeroen de Filette MD Belgium
Małgorzata Wójcik Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, Chair of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College assoc. prof. Poland
Maria Alija Spain
Emiliya Petkova-Argirova Bulgaria
Mira Boyanova Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital Physician Bulgaria
Concepción Fernández Pediatrician Spain
Hajo Zeeb Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS Professor of Epidemiology Germany
Janos Dr. Toth County Hospital, Kecskemet, Hungary head physician Hungary
Paula Casano Sancho Pediatric Endocrinologist MD Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.Barcelona Spain
Gema Grau Bolado Pediatric Endocrinology Phisician doctor Spain
Mariya Kalinkova Bulgaria
Krzysztof Sworczak Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk / University Medical Center Professor Poland
Andrzej Zmaczyński Jagielonian Uniersity Dept of Gynecological Endocrinology and Gynecology MD Poland
Krzysztof Błaut Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Medical University of Gdańsk / University Medical Center dr Poland
Gasior-Perczak Danuta Poland
Marek Bolanowski Dept. of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Isotope Therapy, Medical University Wrocław Professor Poland
Urszula Ambroziak Poland
Krisztian Sepp University of Szeged clin. endocrinologist Hungary
Gabriele Buzzi Italy
Boyka Kostova Acibadem City clinik Tokuda hospital MD Bulgaria
Zdeněk Fryšák Medical Faculty Olomouc ass. prof. Czech Republic
Richard Sotornik FN Kralovske Vinohrady, 3rd Faculty of Medecine, Charles University, Prague endocrinologist Czech Republic
Maria Górska Poland
Ľubica Cibičková MUDr. Czech Republic
Grzegorz Sokolowski Departament of Endocrinology UJ CM Senior Assistant Poland
Jan Kvicala Czech society of biochemistry and molecular biology Czech Republic
Michaela Marunová MD Czech Republic
Piroska Mezei Hungary
Pavla Rehorkova Czech Society of Endocrinology Endocrinologist Czech Republic
Jiří Mertl endocrinologist Czech Republic
Katerina Dvorakova Endokrinologicky ustav, Prague Physician, endocrinology Czech Republic
Jaroslava Kabátová laboratories Czech Republic
Marcin Motyka University Hospital in Krakow Senior assistant Poland
Olga Lischkova Institute of Endocrinology Researcher Czech Republic
Michaela Dušková Institute of Endocrinology physician Czech Republic
Vojtech Hainer Institute of Endocrinology MD, PhD Czech Republic
Josef Včelák Institute of Endocrinology Lab Manager Czech Republic
Karolina Absolonova Institute of Endocrinology, Prague Laboratory Assistant Czech Republic
Helena Včeláková Institute of Endocrilogy project coordinator Czech Republic
Běla Bendlová Institute of Endocrinology director Czech Republic
Irene Mamali Dr Researcher ,Biologist Greece
Szigeti-Csúcs Nikoletta MHEK internal medicine Hungary
Joanne Tattersall Dietitian United Kingdom
Emese Benedek-Kováts Hungary
Dominique Van Doorne Associazione medici endocrinigici Endocrinilogist Italy
Zdenka limanova associate profesor MUDr C Sc Czech Republic
Josef Marek 3 Dept of Medicine, 1 Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic Professor Czech Republic
Silvia Martín Endocrinologist Spain
María Piedra Ph. D. at University Hospital "Marqués de Valdecilla". Santander. Spain Endocrinologist Spain
Martha Redway University of Glasgow PhD Student United Kingdom
Silke Pawils Scientist Germany
Irela López Cobo Endocrinologist Spain
Núria Regincós Giner Nurse Spain
Wiebke Hellenbrand Robert Koch Institute Epidemiologist, Physician Germany
Anne Möhring Institute of Social Medicine and Prevention, University Medicine Greifswald Germany
Federico Vazquez Endocrinologist Spain
Nuria Puig Tallada Nursery Spain
Jennifer Dahdah Lebanon
Manuel Luis Sahún de la Vega Societat Catalana d'Endocrinologia Endocrinologist Spain
Anna Sansano Dietitian Spain
Amaya Peñalva-Arigita dietitian Spain
Sara Torrejon Endocrinologist Spain
Mercè Albareda Riera Hospital Moises Broggi Endocrinologist Spain
Hermanyi Zsolt MSc, MD dep. leader, internist, diaabetolodist, endocrinologist Hungary
Krisztina Bihari Hungary
Ágnes Sallai 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Semmelweis University, Budapest lecturer Hungary
Sonia Perrier GAIN Associate Switzerland
Jonathan Gorstein Iodine Global Network Executive Director United States of America
Maria O’Kane Ulster University Research Associate United Kingdom
Kirsty Pourshahidi NICHE, Ulster University Research Fellow United Kingdom
Silvia Pellitero Rodríguez Endocrinology and Nutrition Department Hospital University Germans Trias i Pujol Spain
Berta Soldevila Endocrinology and Nutrition Department. Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital MD, PhD Spain
Edwin Josiah GAIN GPF/Enable Representative Tanzania
Silvia Wengrowicz Instituto Catalán de Endocrinología Senior Consultant Spain
Eduardo Garcia-Fuentes Institute of Biomedical Research in Malaga (IBIMA) Senior Researcher Spain
María del Pino Alberiche Ruano Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria Endocrinologist Spain
José-Manuel Gómez-Sáez MD, PhD Specialist in Endocrinology Spain
Sofia Condes United Kingdom
José C Moreno Institute for Medical and Molecular Genetics (INGEMM). La Paz university hospital. Madrid Spain Thyroid molecular Laboratory Head Spain
Antonio De la Vieja Instituto de Salud Carlos III Head of Endocrine Unit Spain
Caterina Di Cosmo University of Pisa MD, PhD Italy
Wolfgang Zechmann Österreichische Schilddrüsengesellschaft Präsident Austria
Frits van der Haar Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta Visiting Associate Professor Global Health United States of America
Alison Yeates Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE), Ulster University Research Fellow United Kingdom
Isolina Riaño-Galán Pediatric endocrinology. Hospital Universitario Cetnral de Asturias MD, PhD Spain
Sarah Bath University of Surrey Lecturer in Public Health Nutrition United Kingdom
Adrian Richter Institut für Community Medicine Statistician Germany
kostas markou univercity of patras, medical school. division of endocrinology professor Greece
Christian Müller biolution GmbH 3d Animator Austria
Sabina Ulbricht University Medicine Greifswald, Institute of Social Medicine and Prevention Sociologist Germany
Betina Thuesen Center for Clinical Research and Prevention, The Capital Region of Denmark Head of Section for Populations-based Epidemiology/Senior Researcher Denmark
Matthew Spencer Austria
Janis Hickey British Thyroid Foundation Founder United Kingdom
Olesia Nasonenko Ukraine
Francisca Vich Sastre SEEN Endocrinologa Spain
Sandra Schweng biolution GmbH Office Assistent Austria
Irene Berges-Raso Endocrinologist Spain
Peter Jürgens Zimbabwe
Simone Gloystein Institute for social medicine and prevention (Uni Greifswald) Study assistant Germany
María Cristina Azcona Clínica Universidad de Navarra Dr. Spain
Lissy Kästel Unimedizin Greifswald Probandenmanager Germany
Ulrike Siewert-Markus Institute of Social Medicine and Prevention, University Medicine Greifswald Germany
Barbara Vidergar Kralj Slovenia
Marcello Markus University Medicine Greifswald Research Associate Germany
Sabine Schipf Germany
Sophie Baumann Institute and Policlinic of Occupational and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universität Dresden Assistant Professor Germany
Katharina Wittfeld Germany
Jennis Freyer-Adam Institute for Medical Psychology, University Medicine Greifswald researcher Germany
Carsten Jenning Bachelor of Science (Public Health and Administration) Germany
Ulrich John University Medicine Greifswald Professor Germany
Esther Henning Germany
Ulrike Stentzel Institute for Community Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald research ssistant Germany
Jean-Francois Chenot University Medicine Greifswald Professor of General Practice Germany
Alexander Teumer University Medicine Greifswald Research Associate Germany
Clemens Jürgens Germany
Janka Schössow Germany
Till Ittermann University Medicine Greifswald Germany
Michael Zimmermann ETH Zurich, Switzerland Prof. Dr. med., Head of the Human Nutrition Laboratory ETHZ Switzerland
Francisco Pomares Hospital Universitario San Juan de Alicante Endocrinologist Spain
Rosa Corcoy Spain
lacordaire anne-isabelle retired France
Borislav Karanfilski National Committee for Iodine Deficiency, Ministry of Health President Macedonia
Mark Vanderpump The Physicians’Clinic Consultant Endocrinologist United Kingdom
NINA elisabeth Eltvik Advisor healthinformatics Norway
Peter Weterings Weterings Consultancy BV Netherlands
Øygunn Leite Kallevik advisor Norway
Kathryn Potter Director United Kingdom
Linda Henderson Thyroid Federation International Board Member at Large Italy
Neda Milevska Kostova Centre for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation "Studiorum" Executive Director Macedonia
Sonja Kuzmanovska Research Associate Prefessor Macedonia
Dobrila Radulovic Norway
Venjamin Majstorov Macedonia
José Muñoz Márquez Institut Català de la Salut family doctor Spain
Mark Coumans Netherlands
Maria Andersson Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, University Children’s Hospital Zurich Senior scientist Switzerland
Stefan Gruenert biolution GmbH Project Developer Austria
Leonidas Duntas Member of the SAB EUthyroid Professor Dr. Greece
Heather Lewis College of Naturopathic Medicine Nutritionist United Kingdom
Anja Facius Germany
Pedro Rozas-Moreno Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real Endocrinólogo Spain
Pere Berbel Faculty of Medicine, University Miguel Hernández Full professor Cell Biology Spain
Johannes W. Dietrich Bergmannsheil University Hospitals, Ruhr University of Bochum Consultant Endocrinologist Germany
Julie Abayomi Liverpool John Moores University Reader in dietetics United Kingdom
Miguel Cervantes Ariza Nurse Spain
Elvira Lara Spain
Ursula Rochau Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment, UMIT - University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology Assistant Professor Austria
Cristóbal Torreblanca A A Spain
Juan José Arrizabalaga Servicio de Endocrinología y Nutrición, Hospital Universitario Araba-Arababo Uniberstsitate Ospitalea, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba, Spain. Endocrinology and Nutrition. Retired. Spain
Carles Zafon Endocrine Department Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona Endocrinologist Spain
amelia oleaga Basurto University Hospital, Bilbao Endocrinologist Spain
Uwe Siebert UMIT Department Chair / Institute Director Austria
Marta Hernández García Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova Medical Doctor Spain
Maria Jesus Obregon Inst Investigaciones Biomedicas (IIBm), CSIC-UAM, Madrid, spain Full Professor CSIC, retired Spain
Maria Wik Markhus Institute of Marine Research Research Scientist Norway
Lisbeth Dahl Institute of Marine Research senior scientist Norway
María Carmen Millón-Ramírez Doctor at Servicio Andaluz de Salud Spain
Francisco Javier Escalada MD PhD Endocrinologist Spain
Vicente Blay Cortés MD, PhD Endocrinología y Nutrición Spain
Margaret Rayman University of Surrey Professor of Nutritional Medicine United Kingdom
Iris Erlund National Institute for Health and Welfare Research Manager Finland
Deborah Levie Erasmus University Medical Centre Netherlands
Mariana Dineva University of Surrey PhD student United Kingdom
Sandra Hunziker ETH Zurich, Switzerland PhD student Switzerland
Monica Guxens Barcelona Institute for Global Health Assistant Research Professor Spain
Ana Aranda CSIC Research Prof. Ad Honorem Spain
Laura Kugel Austria
Xenia Dimitriou Austria
Paul Grünert Biolution GmbH Austria
Monika Schaffner UMIT Junior Scientist Austria
Frederic Tortosa Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición Professor in Endocrinology and Nutrition Spain
Anna Lucas Endocrinology Department, Germans Trias Hospital Department Head Spain
Tomasz Grodzicki Jagiellonian University Medical College Vice Rector Poland
piedad santiago fernandez Spain
Cristina Claret Bcn Diabetes & Endocrine Institute Endocrinologist Spain
Marek Ruchała Chair and Department of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Internal Medicine Poznań University of Medical Sciences - head Polish Society of Endocrinology - president professor Poland
Simona Gaberšček University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Nuclear Medicine Prof. dr. Slovenia
Raanan Raz Braun School of Public Health, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty Israel
Alicja Hubalewska-Dydejczyk Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland Head of the Endocrinology Department Poland
Malgorzata Trofimiuk-Mueldner Jagiellonian University Medical College, Department of Endocrinology MD PhD Poland
Vesselka Duleva National Center of Public health Protection Head of Department, Prof. Bulgaria
Václav Zamrazil Institute of Endocrinology MD endocrinologist Czech Republic
Svetlozara Ilieva yes UH Lozenetz Bulgaria
Ieva Strele Riga Stradins University Associate Professor Latvia
Jayne Woodside Queen's University Belfast Professor of Human Nutrition United Kingdom
Endre Nagy University of Debrecen, EUthyroid Consortium Member Division Chief Hungary
Mafalda Marcelino Armed Forces Hospital MD Portugal
Greg Garrett GAIN Switzerland
Peter Taylor Cardiff University Clinical Senior Lecturer United Kingdom
Radovan Bílek Institute of Endocrinology biochemist Czech Republic
Tomislav Jukić University Department of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb Nuclear medicine specialist, Head of Thyroid Unit Croatia
John Lazarus Cardiff University, UK Professor of Clinical Endocrinology United Kingdom
Helena Filipsson Nyström Sahlgrenska University Hospital Ass Prof, senior Endocrinologist Sweden
Toomas Podar Estonia
Rodrigo Moreno-Ryes ULB MD Belgium
Christa Meisinger Helmholtz Zentrum München Senior researcher Germany
Iris Grünert biolution GmbH Business manager Austria
Ted Tulchinsky Ashkelon Academic College Head of School of Health Professions Israel
Elizabeth Pearce Iodine Global Network and Boston University School of Medicine IGN Regional Coordinator for North America; Associate Professor of Medicine United States of America
Niva Shapira Dr., R.D., Agr. Israel
Henry Völzke University Medicine Greifswald Professor Germany
Yaniv S Ovadia Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research Dietitian, PhD RD Israel
Aron Troen The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Director, Nutrition and Brain Health Laboratory Israel